The 2024 California walnut production is forecast at 670,000 tons, down 19% from 2023's production of 824,000 tons. The forecast is based on 370,000 bearing acres, down 4% from
2023’s estimated bearing acreage of 385,000.

The 2024 Walnut O.M. Survey utilized a total of 711 blocks with two sample trees per block. Survey data indicated an average nut set per tree of 761, down 24% from 2023’s average of 1,004. Percent of sound kernels in-shell was 98.1% statewide. The average in-shell weight and dimensions for 2024 were: 21.1 grams, suture measurement was 32.5 millimeters, cross-width
measurement was 33.4, and the average length was 38.4 millimeters.
The 2024 chilling hours were low. Several late winter and spring storms boosted the Sierra Nevada snowpack and significantly added to reservoirs bringing California to normal water
conditions. Some instances of blight showed in walnut groves because of heavy spring rains. The summer brought record high temperatures to California and growers were forced to increase irrigation. Percent sound results from the Objective Measurement survey indicate nut quality will be decreased from last year.
Estimated nut sets, sizing measurements, average number of trees per acre, and estimated bearing acreage were used in the statistical models.
Information and graphs provided by the USDA's NASS. For the entire article, click here!