Information Sourced from the USDA // Photo Sourced on Unsplash
Average low temperatures for California ranged from 27 to 54 in the mountains, 33 to 75 in the desert, 36 to 65 along the coast, and 43 to 62 in the Central Valley. Average high temperatures for the state ranged from 51 to 87 in the mountains, 60 to 96 along the coast, 64 to 95 in the Central Valley, and 66 to 102 in the desert.
Across the state, corn continued to mature and was chopped for silage. Alfalfa was harvested for hay and silage. Harvested fields were fertilized and disced in preparation for winter crops. In the Sacramento Valley, rice, dry bean, and sunflower harvests continued. In the Northern San Joaquin Valley, sudan grass was harvested and winter oats emerged. In the Southern San Joaquin Valley, cotton bolls continued to open and defoliation activities ramped up. Some producers began harvesting. Dry bean fields were cut and windrowed. Corn silage and alfalfa harvests neared completion.
Table and wine grape harvests continued. Some table grapes were put away for the storage season which is expected to be shorter due to the impacts of Hurricane Hillary. Peach, pluot, prune and plum harvests were winding down. Processing peach orchards were sprayed for weeds. Figs, apples, pears, pomegranates, and kiwifruit were harvested. Persimmons were reaching mature size and starting to show color. Cherry and apricot orchards were pruned and treated for nematodes. Table olive harvest continued. Olive trees for oil were pruned in preparation for harvest. Strawberry, blackberry, and raspberry harvests were ongoing. New citrus plantings continued to develop. Valencia oranges and grapefruit were harvested. District 2 lemon harvest neared completion, and District 3 lemon harvest began.
Almond, pistachio, and walnut harvests continued. Pecans continued to mature. Nematodes were treated in walnuts. Almond and walnut orchards were sprayed for pests and weeds.
Across the Central Valley, pumpkins, tomatoes, sweet corn, melons, bell peppers, and winter squash continued to be harvested. Growers treated tomato fields with fungicides to control mold and pesticides to control armyworm. In the Northern San Joaquin Valley, sweet potatoes, onions, eggplant, and garlic were harvested. Cantaloupe and honeydew harvest concluded. In the Southern San Joaquin Valley, garlic, carrots, okra, onions, cucumbers, melons, and peppers were harvested. Along the Central Coast, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, celery, lettuce, kale, and peppers were harvested.
Foothill rangeland and non-irrigated pasture were in poor to fair condition. Irrigated pasture was in good condition. Supplemental feeding for cattle continued in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys. Some cattle grazed on high elevation range. Fall calving was ongoing. Sheep grazed retired cropland and harvested vegetable fields. Some bees were moved into the state for overwintering.